23rd July - Mixed fortunes

This has been a week of mixed fortunes, although happily, it ended on a high note!

It started off, though, with Zano deciding that he didn’t want to do any more work. He was quite tricky to try to get up onto from the mounting block. When I did get into the saddle he was really a bit cross about the whole thing, swishing his tail and behaving like he might have a few bucks as we set off around the school. Hmm, time to have a think - after all, we’ve been here before!

Well, that day I was heading off to watch a Jumpcross competition near where I live. I knew that Jo, my riding instructor, would be there and I thought it was time for a little chat. She gave me a pep talk and pointed out that Zano had been through every check he could have had. We knew he was sound and not in any pain. Now it sounded like he was just being a little bit naughty. After all, he’s had over two years not doing much, and maybe he was wondering if he really wanted to start work.

We arranged a lesson, which I’m really excited about! Then I relaxed and enjoyed watching the rest of the competition. I rode there last year on my friend Fran’s horse, Pinto, who I was sharing. They have a nervous and novice day and it’s my aim to take Zano there next year to do the novice classes! It’s always good to have a plan to work towards!

This is me competing Pinto last year at Jumpcross – he’s 17hh and always jumped big!

Jo’s advice is proving very worthwhile! I’ve been lunging him before I get on him and that’s worked well. As has June’s bit of advice (June’s the yard owner). She suggested that someone stands by Zano’s head as I get on to give him some pony nuts. He’s such a greedy horse that he doesn’t care what I’m doing in the saddle now, as long as he gets a mouthful of treats at the same time! Problem solved, thanks June!

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