Now, I’ve got to know Zano pretty well over the last 8 months and I know that, once I could start working him again, we need to go right back to the beginning. So, yesterday I led him into the school in his head collar and we walked over the poles, just like Jo the Physio had taught us. This is Zano’s foundation and it’s something that he’s confident doing and he remembered it hoof perfectly! Today, I repeated the same exercises, only this time I added the saddle. Well – that was fun! He launched himself in the school and spent the first five minutes bunny hopping and bucking on the end of the lead rope. I led him over the poles, ignoring his antics, waiting for him to settle. A couple of times he was sideways, but he managed to sort himself out. I halted him, asked him to step back a few strides, and then move sideways from me. After that we walked on again over the poles. After about five minutes he suddenly relaxed and walked round like an old hand. PHEW!
Tonight I led him over the poles with his saddle on again, and he was so well behaved that I couldn’t resist seeing what he’d be like with the mounting block. So, I stood him next to it. He didn’t dance away, so I just leant over the saddle to see what would happen. He stood like a rock – awesome! He did have a quick peek round to see if any sugar cubes were forthcoming. They weren’t but that didn’t seem to bother him. He had three huge carrots chopped up when he got back into the stable, so I think that made up for it! I was so happy I couldn’t stop smiling! Yay! Just the thought of getting back on board properly is soooooooo exciting. I can’t wait and I’ll tell you all about it! Fingers crossed we’ve had our fair share of setbacks now – no more please! I’m hoping that it’s onwards and upwards from here. If all goes well he’ll be loaded in the trailer in the next couple of weeks, then taken for a couple of short trips. The aim is still to get to our first competition (Zano’s first competition ever!) this winter.