Welcome to a new feature on the blog: Pet Fact Files!
Belinda and her friends will be drawing up fact files on all the pets (not just ponies!) at the yard.
First up: Chico!

Age: 15 years
Breed: Irish (Connemara x Irish Draught)
Colour: Grey now (but he was speckled blue roan when he was a foal!)
Sex: Gelding
Loves: his food! Jumping, especially cross country, although sometimes he can be silly and bolt between fences! He loves hacking out, too, and going fast – he loves his work and always wants to get on with it! He’s got bags of stamina, too.
Dislikes: scary birds flapping out of bushes on hacks, tractors (not good in the country!)
Owner: Megan and Nicky. Megan competes Chico and jumps him, Mum Nicky hacks him out (she was Zano’s main babysitter when he first started hacking!). He’s normally well behaved with Nicky, and saves up all his cheekiness for Megan!
Best friend in the yard: Chico is definitely Zano’s fave on the yard – when Zano had to stay in overnight after hurting his knee, it was Chico he missed most!
You’ll never guess what...? Chico’s temperament changes in the winter – he can get really territorial in his field and sometimes he charges at you if you’re not watching! But he can be soft and soppy when he wants to be, too.
If you'd like your pet profile to be featured on the site, send us in information about your pet, a photo and your name and age to marketing@templarco.co.uk. Under 13's must ask permission from a parent or guardian first.